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    In order for the show to go on we are in need of volunteers.  Volunteers are needed for picture day, dress rehearsal and show days.  There are a few pre-show duties where help is also needed. Help is needed in the following areas: ticket booth, merchandise booth, set up, tear down, picture day and advertising.

 Please contact SNSC Board, Email: to sign up.  A sign up list will also be on the SNSC bulletin board and at picture day.


Dress Rehearsal  & Show Days Volunteers
Announcer- Announce skaters by full name and read the script of the show.
Music Player- Start and stop the CD for each group, allowing time for the announcer
to announce and skaters to get into position.

Bleacher Monitor- Sit in the bleachers with the skaters. Keep them there until a parent
picks them up. Make sure no one is eating any food or drinking anything other then water. We don’t want anyone to spill on their friends costumes.

Ice monitor- Takes groups from bleachers to line up by the ice, helps get guards on
and off. Keep non skaters from walking through the back curtain area.

Ticket Sales- Sells tickets for admission. Stamps hands. Sells programs.
Flower Table- Sell & assemble flower arrangements. 
Decoration- Help decorate- Paper on the boards, lights, back drop assembling, ect.
The more people the faster it goes.

Tear down- Dissemble the back drop, take down the reusable decorations & Bring to the closet. Again the more people the faster it goes. We have to be off the ice by a
certain time.

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© 2016 by The Star of the North Figure Skating Club. 

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